Learn to play the guitar
Learn Polish
Own a Great Dane or St. Bernard
Become a foster mom
Get a 2nd tattoo
Take a knitting class
Knit an afghan for a homeless shelter
Learn to make pierogies from Anna
Buy a bedroom set
Send a postcard to PostSecret
Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find in the library
Take a genealogy class
Send my DNA to Ancestry.com to see where my DNA traces back to
Own a Le Creuset pot
Watch all 100 of the films listed on the 2007 American Film Institute List
Read all of the Pulitzer winners in Fiction since my year of birth 1973
Take a stain glass class
Go on another adventure with Heifer
Get a library card
Publish a poem
Get my astrological chart analyzed
Start a monthly game night
Scrapbook all of my Camp Runels photos
Try 100 new beers
Finish writing my children's book
Take a non-profit management glass
Go to an HHS class of 1991 reunion
See a bear in the wild
Save $5 for every task I complete on my list and use it to pamper myself
Start a window sill/patio herb garden
Stay at a bed and breakfast
Spend Thanksgiving at a homeless shelter serving dinner
Pay for a trip to Vegas for my parents
Create a book of camp songs
Take a cooking class
Buy diamond earrings