"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than you." -Dr. Seuss

Monday, May 21, 2012


Okay....before you judge....I KNOW I have the knowledge and tools to lose the weight without a pre-packaged plan.  I have been frustrated lately that my weight number isn't going down.  I know I am losing inches.....and I SHOULD be happy with that (and I am to an extent), but I want the weight to come down.

I decided to try NutriSystem because it is risk free.  At the end of the program, if I am not satisfied, I can call and get a complete refund.  I am hoping the program will kick up the weight loss.

I started today and am STARVING..........that just means I need to pack more non-starchy veggies for during the day because I can eat as many as those as I want.  I also need to drink more water because that keeps me full.

We shall see.......

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