"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than you." -Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Reason got no rhyme

Everyone comes into our lives for a season.  Some seasons span years and others a much shorter time.  It is our responsibility to learn what we can from the situation.  Relationships are work!  But it takes 2 to tango.

I recently met a man that I connected with immediately.  Things were amazing.....to begin with.  Then things changed, with no warning, no explanation.  The writing on the wall was starting to show, but I kept holding on......silly Gretchen, you know better!

My friends keep saying, sorry and want to be angry with KCS.  This is why I love my inner circle!  I am not angry with him, I don't hate him.  I am actually thankful for him!  He reminded me that I like being vulnerable to someone, that feeling butterflies is exciting and scary at the same time.  He reminded me that I am a damn good girlfriend and the right guy will be lucky to have him.

He also gave me a gift that I have been desperate to receive for the past 10 years.  He gave me emotional freedom from a past relationship.  A relationship that has haunted me.  I am finally able to think back on it with fondness!  I am finally able to look towards rebuilding a friendship with this person.

I have learned a lot about myself.  I learned that I am happy and content to be by myself.  I don't need someone to complete me, because I am complete.  I worked really hard over the last 9 years to build a life that I could be proud of.  I have worked hard to find balance, peace and be happy with who I am.
Am I perfect?  NO
Am I finished growing and changing?  Nope......

But I am whole, I am happy and I am ready to let someone share my world.  It will take someone special, someone who is whole themselves to be welcome.

I deserve someone who is able to give me what I am willing to give back.  Someone who wants to grow together, but still have their own identity.

There is a whole world to explore and I am prepared to explore it as someone who is single and has an amazing inner circle of family and friends, but I am open to sharing the journey with someone.

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