Sooo......2 months ago, during a conversation with my primary care doctor, she said "Gretchen, I can tell you are frustrated with your weight loss journey. You seem to be stuck, what can we do to help you get through this." My response.....Dr. Dow, I am ready to try ANYTHING! We started with agreeing to do a sleep study, join a medically supervised exercise program at the gym and then, she said the "dirty" words, weight loss surgery.
I know I sighed audibly, and she smiled at me. Weight loss surgery was always a last chance option for me. I know several people who have gone through the surgery (some successfully, and several who have regained the weight after 2-3years). Here's the thing, I know I am stubborn, strong, determined, blahblahblah..........It scares me to death, that I will become complacent like the people I know who have regained the weight.
I promised my doctor, I would do a consultation with a surgeon. I promised I would be open minded and really listen to what the surgeon had to say. I am leaning more towards having the surgery than not having the surgery. I would be doing the Vertical Gastric Sleeve. Basically they remove 2/3 of your stomach, the portion that creates ghrelin. Ghrelin is the hormone that creates the feeling of hunger.
So far, I have been to an orientation, met with the surgeon, done a crap load of research and had 1 nutrition class.
My psych eval is scheduled (okay, for those that know me.....don't say it, I know I am crazy, but hey, why not have a doc tell me officially?)
I had my last Diet Dr. Pepper on Tuesday (even though I found one in the office fridge yesterday). (can't have carbonation for at least 1 year after surgery).
I have started practicing not drinking anything 30 mins before or 30 mins after I eat.....that is a tough habit to break! Next will be not drinking with a straw AND giving up coffee. I think I will wait until September 1st for the coffee......
I am going to the gym for an orientation today, I will meet with a trainer 2x a week and then also do some pool work (which is really what I want to do......)
The earliest I can do the surgery would be middle to end of October. I decided to share my decision because I think that people tend to be ashamed of deciding this drastic route to assist with weight loss. If you think it is the easy way out, you would be wrong. Yes, the surgery is the easy piece, BUT we are talking a complete lifestyle change. Remember, the stomach will be 2/3 smaller than it is now. This is just a tool. I will be looking to my inner circle, more than ever, for support.
I ask that if you have something negative to say, DON'T say anything. This is not a decision I am coming to lightly. It has taken a lot of prayer and research.
Let the journey begin!